Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Just Do It!

How often over the past weeks and months Eric and I have turned to one another and said, "we need to write this down...we need to start a blog."  I'm not sure what it is about that button at the bottom of the page that says, "publish post," but it is intimidating!  It is almost worse than public speaking because whatever we write can be read and re-read, reviewed, scrutinized, or not read by anyone at all, and will never go away.  A little dramatic I know.  Yet, for all the amazing ways that God is working in our lives and for all that He is teaching us, we need to write it down. Even if it is for no other reason than to save as a remembrance for us to return to, read, and remember all that God has done! It is so easy to forget.  We don't set memorials like the Israelites did so we need a way to record His wonderful acts and teach them to our children.  Perhaps this will help us do this.  In the meantime, if you happen read this, I pray that you will be blessed by it!  I pray that the lessons and experiences we try to share here will encourage you as you strive to follow the journey Jesus has plodded and set for you.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you decided to step up and blog! But I do wonder what your web access will be like in Togo. You can post to your blog from your cell phone, but that assumes that you will have cell phone service.
