I want to sparkle! Lately I have been fascinated with things that sparkle. Maybe because here in Togo, especially during this rainy muddy season, there are not too many things that sparkle. But God has used this idea to bring an interesting thought to my mind today that I want to share.
We all face spiritual battles of all kinds all the time. Sometimes, the trick to winning a battle is identifying it, recognizing it for what it is. Yesterday evening, as is so often the case, my battle was a battle of the mind. I found myself thinking thoughts that were way out in left field! My stream of thoughts in simple form went something like this.
“Home alone with the kids again...this stinks...I really thought that since I’ve known for so many years that God was calling me to be a missionary, that I would enjoy it more...life here is hard and I don’t feel very good ??? it...why can’t I love every part of living here and be really good at it like some other missionaries...I guess I’m just not a very good missionary...I enjoyed my first missions trip to Mexico....in fact I was really happy there...maybe we came to the wrong continent....maybe we’ve gone in the totally wrong direction...
That is about where I slammed on the brakes and brought that stream of thought to a screeching halt! Wow, what was that all about. What crazy thoughts.
It was time to get out the sword and do some battle. Keep in mind this all happened in a matter of minutes.
Philippians 4:8 “Finally brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things”
II Corinthians 10:3-5 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”
So, I quickly went back through my stream of thoughts and applied truth to them.
Yes, life out here can be hard. But that does not mean I don’t belong here. Quite the opposite. This is a battle, why should I expect it to be pleasant and easy? God hasn’t called us to mold our little worlds so that we can be comfortable and be able to enjoy it rather than striving through it. He has called us to be soldiers here in this place that is not our home. Then, we can enjoy heaven!
Satan loves to pull out the weapon of comparison and it will knock me down every time! When I start comparing myself to others, all I seem to be able to see is how talented, happy, effective, self disciplined, and wonderful they are, and what a failure I am. I have to cast down the imagination that others lives are a perfect bed of roses. Everyone has to struggle though battles of their own with the resources that God has given them. They struggle too, and I need to pray for them.
“I’m not a good missionary”. How many times does the enemy use that form of weapon!
“I’m not a good mom”
“I’m not a good friend”
“I’m not a good Christian”
Speak truth! This is not about me! It is true that in and of myself I am nothing and can do nothing! I am weak. But God has not sent me into the battle of life by myself. He has equipped me with everything I need and more in order to fight victoriously for His glory. He has given me gifts and talents, He has given me His Word, and He has given me His very own Spirit!
So here is where the idea of sparkle comes in?
When God thought you up and formed and created you, He did an awesome job! He made you different from every person He has ever created! The combination of personality, thought patterns, and talents is completely unique. So of course you’re going to be different from the people around you who you see as being so good at different things. Think about a diamond. Every diamond is unique in its facets and colors, but at first it is covered with earth and is dirty. Sin made your talents, personality, and abilities dull and covered with filth. At the moment you were redeemed however, you gave the Spirit of God access to your heart and you were cleansed from sin. Now, if you give the Spirit control of your heart rather than indulging in sinful patterns, He can make who you are beautiful again. Through forgiveness, and application of the Word, the Spirit can shine through you in a way that is completely unique. It is true, you are not like ‘someone else’. But that is God’s plan. Like a diamond sparkles when light shines through it, we can sparkle too when we let Jesus, the Light, shine through us. We become a unique reflection of God, His special sparkle, that brings Him glory. So quit comparing. God made you unique so that you can reflect Him in a totally unique way so that others will see the sparkle and glorify God.
Applying truth to my first thoughts has made the others seem to dissolve into the ridiculousness that they really were. Mexico is a place that holds fond memories for me. It was a great! God used it to show me His call for missionaries. But, this is where God
has called us to serve. This is where we belong. And though I may not always feel talented, effective, comfortable, or even happy, I must trust that God has placed me here because this is where He wants me to sparkle for Him!
So true Missy! Thanks for sharing :)