Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Finger Prints of Abba

My Abba, Father is teaching me so much during this unique time in our ministry journey!  There are many truths and lessons that I am eager to share.  However, I had a beautiful experience a few days ago that I want to share today.

We had the opportunity to visit Orlando for a few days last week so that Eric could attend a Medical Education course.  While enjoying the pool as a family another family came to swim. They had two little girls that began to play with Sam.  The girls were clearly of Asian decent. The parents were clearly not.  After spending just a few minutes supervising our kids playing together and chatting, I just had to ask. "Have you adopted these girls?", I asked.  "Yes", they responded.  "Did you adopt them from a country other than the US?"  "Yes", they said, "They are not sisters by birth.  We went to China twice within the past few years to adopt them both.  The younger of the two girls had been in the US only a few months."  The question was burning in me. "Are you Christians?" They responded with a smiling, "Yes, we are."

I love it!  It was so clear to me that this family loved the Lord Jesus Christ.  The combination of their actions and conversation just in the few minutes we spent with them, and the fact that they traveled across the world to adopt two orphaned girls was beautiful.  They had the finger prints of God, Abba, Father all over them!

I know that not every person who adopts is a follower of Jesus.  But, I do know that adoption is a reflection of the heart of God!  Romans 8:15 says, "You have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons [and daughters] by which we cry out Abba!  Father!"  Just like those precious girls called, "Daddy" to the one who had saved them from a life of bondage and fear as orphans.  So we can call Almighty God, "Daddy" because He saved us from a life of bondage to sin and fear of death.  And, not just saved us, but made us sons and daughters!

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