Friday, February 25, 2011

And Jesus Noticed!

In Luke Chapter 8, the good doctor tells us about a few miracles Jesus performed after returning from the other side of the Sea of Galilee where he had just freed the man from the oppression and bondage of many demons.   A great crowd was awaiting Jesus on the shore.  As soon as His sandals touched the sand they welcomed Him back and He stayed there with them.  I can imagine that He was once again teaching and perhaps performing His "run of the mill healing" when one of the synagogue officials came running over the hills.  Perhaps bumping people aside the man aimed straight for Jesus.  Out of breath and exhausted the man fell at Jesus feet.  When He had caught his breath and could speak the man began imploring Jesus to come to his home, lay hands on his daughter and heal her of the sickness that was threatening to take her life.  Jesus had compassion and began to follow the man.

On the way, however, something else remarkable happened.  In the crowd that was pressing in on Jesus as he walked, there was a woman who was ill.  For 12 long years this Jewish woman had suffered continual ritual uncleanliness because she had a hemorrhage that caused her to bleed continuously.  The implications of this due to Jewish law would have affected every part of her life.  After 12 years of disappointment after disappointment as she tried everything man could offer to heal her, she finally came to Jesus.  She knew that He was a healer, and she knew that He had the power to heal her.  Such power should put within us a healthy fear, Amen?  She worked through her fear enough to get near Jesus.  I can just imagine her thought... "I don't want Him to notice me. I don't want to have to face Him,  I am such a sinner.  And besides, He doesn't need to pay attention to me. He is going to heal this girl before she dies.  I don't want Him to take time for me, I'm not worthy of that.  If I can just get close enough to touch Him, I know that I will be healed.  Then I'll just slip away.  Just do it."  Poor thing.  The intimidation of power is real and appropriate.  But, when combined with perfect love, as only Jesus can give, it should draw us to Him with sweet affection and gratitude.

As she gets closer,  I can just see her taking a deep breath, holding it in and reaching out to Jesus.  As if time stood still, and all the noise of the crowd grew silent, her fingers grasped the edge of Jesus cloak for a moment.  It felt no different than the scratchy garments she and everyone around was wearing, but in that instant she felt something alright, it was the power of Almighty God.  She let go.  As the people continued to brush past her she kew in that moment, she was healed.

For that moment the joy and the relief that surely washed over her must have been overwhelming!  Healed, after 12 years of hopeless searching, healed.  But, the relief lasted for only that moment because all of the sudden she must have become aware of the fact that the crowd that had been pushing forward had suddenly stopped.  She returned to the present, and I can imagine that fear gripped her.   Can't you just hear her thoughts, "Uh-oh..."  "Who touched me?" Jesus asked.  Heart pounding, head spinning she heard the people. Those who had been pushing on Jesus one moment ago, all raised their arms and eyebrows in that silly, "not me" pose, denying that they had touched Jesus.  Then Peter, of course it was Peter, spoke up saying, "Master, the people are crowding and pressing in on You."  Jesus responded, "Someone did touch Me, for I was aware that power had gone out of Me."  Luke then tells us in verse 47, "When the woman saw that she had not escaped notice, she came trembling and fell down before Him, and declared in the presence of all the people the reason why she had touched Him, and that she had been immediately healed.   And He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace."

Jesus noticed.  Let that one sink in.  Jesus noticed.  The faith of this precious woman did not go unnoticed!  How often I fear stepping out in faith.  Whether it be to serve, to obey, to seek God's help with something that seems small in comparison to the God's work around the world or anything.  But, when we step our in faith, we must take heart because Jesus will notice.  We have no need to fear when seeking Jesus, come to Him, knowing His power and His love and have faith dear one.  He will not let you down, and He will notice you.  Hebrews 11:6 says, "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is the rewarded of those who diligently seek Him."

This woman sought the power of God and she found His love!  So, Jesus tell us, "Go in peace, your faith has saved you!"

By the way, Luke's story was not finished.  The synagogue official's daughter died before Jesus could reach his house.  The father must have been absolutely crushed with grief and disappointment.  But, the power of God, though it had gone out for the women, was was still deep and wide with plenty to go around.  Jesus was not done for the day!   Read Luke 8:49-56.  Like this precious daddy, you won't be disappointed!

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