Saturday, March 12, 2011

We have an offer!

Drum Roll please...... We have an accepted offer on the house!  Praise the Lord!  We are very excited to let you know that an offer has been negotiated and accepted.  We are now proceeding with the rest of the process of selling the house.  We continue to be so grateful for your prayers.  Also, we wanted to express our deep gratitude for each church and family who gave toward the housing fund during the time when the gifts were matched.  About $28,000.00 was donated!  We are seeing God do some amazing things, and we wouldn't trade it for anything! 

As the process continues there are a few things that we ask you to pray for specifically. 

On Monday Eric will contact our bank and present the offer.  Please pray that we will find favor with them and that they will:  #1 Accept the offer  #2 Approve us for a loan for the amount that we still lack, with a good interest rate  #3 That they would even forgive us part or all of the remaining debt. 

Our hearts are filled with anticipation to see what God will continue to do.  But our hope is in Jesus alone!